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Photo metadata

When your photos are indexed their metadata will be saved in Cardinal Media Server's database. Photos can have various types of metadata associated with them.


Exif metadata is created by the camera that took the picture. It includes information about the camera's settings, date and time, color profiles, GPS coordinates, and more.

Google Photos JSON

Google Takeout provides JSON files with metadata about the photos exported from Google Photos. These JSON files contain information about the time the photo was taken, GPS coordinates, a view count, and album info among other things.

Photos that originate from Google Photos may or may not have retained all of their original Exif metadata.

File system metadata

In the event that a photo doesn't have any other metadata, file system metdata can be used to determine fallback values. This is often the case for images downloaded from 3rd party websites, like wallpapers and memes. These types of images are not "photos" in the traditional sense, but Cardinal Photos supports them.

See the indexing section for determining when a photo was taken for more information.