📄️ Accounts
The first Cardinal account that you log into your Media Server with will be made the server owner.
📄️ Environment variables
These environment variables can be set in your docker-compose.yaml file.
🗃️ Indexing
3 items
🗃️ Jobs
3 items
📄️ Libraries
Libraries are a way to control access to your media. You can create and manage libraries in the Dashboard.
📄️ Release channels
Cardinal Media Server gets two release channels, and each is available as a tag in Docker Hub.
📄️ Telemetry
📄️ Uninstall
This will erase your Cardinal Media Server database and cached data. Your source media files will not be touched.
📄️ Update
It is important to keep your Media Server up to date for security reasons. When you update your Media Server, you also update your Music, Photos, and Cinema web apps at the same time.